What do you think about SEO? If you’re like me, you don’t know what to think because Google is constantly changing its algorithm, and you’re not sure if you have the most up-to-date info, and on top of that, they’re kind of secretive, so how confident could you really be?
There are whole teams and hundreds of tools devoted to search engine optimization because it’s complicated and important! Your page rank has a major impact on buyers’ ability to find you online when they’re searching for exactly what you offer.
Luckily, you don’t need to know everything about Google’s algorithm to make the front page of a Google search.
What do you need to know?
I happen to know the expert that knows. Lauren L’Amie is the SEO Content Strategist for The New York Times’ product recommendation publication Wirecutter. Her brain is an ocean of SEO knowledge, and she was kind enough to let me take a 10-minute dive.
Read the interview below to get her DIY SEO tips for small business owners, plus what’s new and changing in SEO this year.
Search Engine Journal is great for daily updates on algorithm changes, news, and SEO expert opinions. They also have free resources that cover SEO basics. For beginners, who want to dive into the most up-to-date SEO basics, I’d start with Google Search Central! Google Search Central’s Blog is another good place to keep up-to-date with actual algorithm changes or news.
Google is constantly updating its algorithm to improve search engine results pages. Page Experience Update launched in 2021, which Google defines as “a set of signals that measure how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page beyond its pure information value,” officially rolled out.
This allows Google to consider the informational value of a page, it will also consider other experience metrics, such as load time and interactivity. While it’s an important change, page experience is one of many factors Google uses to rank pages. According to Google developers, “Great page experience doesn’t override having great page content.”
Content “freshness” is a really important ranking factor in Google!
There are two ways to continue to keep content fresh:
Depending on your strategy and what you’re trying to rank for, competition can vary. But fresh content is definitely going to help you, as long as it’s not duplicative of your existing content!
Think about natural language when you’re trying to figure out keywords to target.
Speech-to-text search like through Alexa and Siri is becoming more common, and people tend to type the way that they talk, following natural patterns of thought/speech.
Think about how a new reader or client would find your content using natural speech. How might someone who doesn’t know anything about your business or area of expertise phrase a question? In a conversation, what would you content answer or address?
Really important! Google cares and your readers care. People spend more time on pages that load quickly and give them what they’re looking for right away!
With this year’s algorithm update, Google is considering Core Web Vitals (the set of specific factors that Google considers important in a webpage’s overall user experience) an even more important ranking factor.
The TLDR version: Google is getting much better at recognizing and rewarding pages with better overall user experiences. Load time is a big factor.
Put keywords in your H1 copy (headlines) and H2/H3 subheadings if you can do it in context. It’s a good rule of thumb to keep your anchor text, or the main keyword you want associated with your page, in the H1 and use your H2/H3 subheadings to optimize for secondary keywords or to include different iterations of your head term.
For example, if you’re writing a blog about dog breeds, you want an H1 headline that is engaging and includes your main keyword: “The Best Dog Breeds to Adopt 2021” followed by subheadings in H2/H3 that capitalize on secondary terms your reader probably also cares about: “Best Small Dog Breeds” “Best Dog Breeds for Kids” “Best Dog Breeds for Apartments,” etc.
That being said, Google is getting better at “reading” a page in its entirety like a human would and picking up on the most important parts. Anywhere you can put keywords naturally will help boost your page rank.
Google doesn’t rely as heavily on titletags and metatags as it did in the past. However, they are still important ranking factors that help to categorize the pages of your site and make the purpose of your content clear to both readers and search engines.
While it is a factor, meta information alone doesn’t make a page worthy of ranking highly in search. Google rewards content that is informative and relevant as a whole. The text on the page should be just as robust and on-topic as the headlines and meta information.
Internal links refer to hyperlinks on a web page that lead to another page on your site. External links refer to links from outside of your domain that you link to. Both internal and external linking aid in what is known as the “flow of authority”.
Linking to trustworthy sources outside of your domain (and having trustworthy sources link back to you) boosts your site’s overall authority and expertise in a specific subject area.
Domain authority is a measure of how relevant a site is in a specific coverage area according to Google. It refers to your root domain. Sites, like nytimes.com for example, have very high domain authority when it comes to queries related to the news. You can build your own authority in search by publishing content that displays expertise and is linked back to from other trustworthy, authoritative sites.
Google often awards higher authority to pages that are linked to from other reputable sources. So, for instance, if Forbes links back to your website in an article, that backlink can help boost your authority.
If you’re migrating your website to a new platform, or even more importantly, working on a rebrand, it’s important to have an organized approach. Search engines need to know that your site is still authoritative and should continue to rank for your target keywords.
Monitoring your site in Google Search Console can help you to create a strategy to redirect important links, update your site’s robots.txt file, and make sure nothing breaks in the process! There are a ton of great blogs out there that can help with any specific migration tools you might need!
When optimizing images and video on your website, try to include alt text! Alt text is embedded in image HTML to describe the appearance of an image on a page. Its primary purpose is accessibility – adding alt text to an image makes it “readable” to screen readers often used by people who are visually impaired.
Alt text also serves a secondary purpose. It allows Google to read image and video file names/titles and descriptions in order to index web pages.
I learned so much from this SEO conversation with Lauren, but from a content creator’s perspective, my key takeaway (and she confirmed it) is:
Google is getting better and better at ranking pages that are the most helpful and relevant to its users. Knowing what your audience wants, understanding how they search, and creating content to serve them well is the best way to get Google’s and your readers’ attention.
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